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Strangers Creek Trunk Drainage | St Hilliers

Strangers Creek Trunk Drainage


Sydney Water


Sydney, NSW



Contract type

Design and Construct


May 19

Sydney Water Corporation (Sydney Water) owns and maintains a storm water system that services about 20% of metropolitan Sydney. The system consists of conduits of varying size, shape, age and material, spread over 21 local government areas and servicing approximately 560,000 customers. The asset base includes trunk drains consisting of open channels and culverts constructed along the alignment of former watercourses, creeks and rivers as well as, smaller pipe assets throughout the city.
The Strangers Creek catchment is located in the Caddies Creek catchment, forming part of the larger Hawkesbury Nepean catchment. Prior inspections and studies of Strangers Creek show that the creek is in need of rehabilitation as it is not meeting its original purpose as a trunk drainage waterway to protect public health and the environment.
The Strangers Creek Trunk Drainage project involves the Design, Development and Construction of rehabilitation works along a 1.9km stretch of Strangers Creek in the north-west suburbs of Sydney. These works will realign the trunk drainage corridor while rehabilitating the creek to improve the areas environmentally and aesthetically as well as showcasing to the community the environmental, social and aesthetic benefits of river management and biodiversity projects.
The banks will be stabilised and incorporate ecological considerations such as establishing in-stream habitat and replanting with indigenous species. Naturalised bank stabilisation will be further improved by the establishment of a healthy and ecologically diverse vegetated corridor with in-stream, understory and tree planting.
This contract also includes landscaping, planting of the bank and adjacent area and a 24-month maintenance period. The total project duration is four years, which includes two years for design and construction, and two years for planting and vegetation management.

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